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About Us

What We Would Like to Share

Between the hectic streets of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, you will find some of the most beautiful areas of the United States.  With four beautiful distinct seasons and scenic backdrops, the tri-state area offers tons of exploration and adventure with a plethora of nature at your fingertips!  Some of these locations surprisingly may not be far from your own home.  Dave and I (and the pups) have been hiking throughout the tri-state area for the past 3 years and after numerous requests as to "where do you find these places?", we've decided to share our treasures with you.  We will provide some history of the location of the hike along with trail maps (the best that we can find), Mapquest locations, EveryTrail trackings and plenty of pictures for you to see the hike.  We hope you enjoy the journey and follow along while we continue to adventure our way through this area!

Who We Are

Kelly - That's me!  I'm the computer wiz (some what), when it comes to writing, posting and creating this blog.  I work in the corporate world during the week and, other than the slight wish of wanting to be hiking every day instead, I enjoy my career.  I'm passionate about hiking, reading books, journaling, crafting anything and yoga/meditation.  Although not a professional photographer , I love and enjoy capturing pictures of our family's hikes.  I have thousands of pictures of our life out in the woods (our entire family and Facebook family can attest to this...) and would like to share some of our treasures so you can enjoy the beautiful areas of the tri-state region too!

My husband and best friend.  Dave is the navigator for our hikes.  He's the expert when it comes to following the trail maps, off trail exploring and the majority of the time, the one the pups really listen to!  He also works in the corporate world during the week and secretly (not so secretly!) wishes he could be hiking in the woods every day as well.  Dave is also passionate about crafting along with exercise, football and Star Wars!  He also snaps some of the pictures you will be seeing and seems to always catch the best shots of the pups. 

Colbie - Our oldest pup.  Colbie is a 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier/Pug Mix.  She was saved from the clearance cage at a pet store.  Although, we don't believe in purchasing pets from a pet store, it was a rare occurrence and we are very happy that she made her way to our family.  We often wonder what would have happened to her if we didn't save her from that place?  Colbie's favorite activities are going for long walks, hiking and exploring, snuggling with her sister, Piper, along with mom and dad (us!).  She watches and  barks at the t.v., most profoundly at horses and other dogs.  Her favorite activity is chasing her sister and showing her who's boss!

Piper - Last but not least is our pup, Piper.  She is a 4 year old Pit Bull Terrier.  We are very proud supporters of the breed and very proud owners of our sweet girl.  Piper cuddles mostly with dad and sometimes when it is very cold, she snuggles up with her sister.  Piper has a personality like no other dog we have ever owned.  She is wonderful with children and gentle with other pups.  As you will see, her eyes light up when we go for hikes and she absolutely LOVES the water.  Her favorite activity is fetching the stick from the deep spots of lakes or the bay. 

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